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Welcome to New York Muscle Release Therapy
Home of New York's only practitioner of MRTh®

What is Muscle Release Therapy?

Developed by Dennis Gibbons, recently inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame, Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh®, is a therapeutic form of massage that balances your posture based on your body’s individualized analysis.  This realignment permits your body to move fluidly, work more efficiently, and do so with less pain and discomfort.

Rather than focusing exclusively on secondary issues like knots, tense muscles, joint pain, etc., MRTh works by releasing the ligaments and muscles of the body, allowing them to return to their natural resting positions on the skeleton. This in turn restores the structures they support back into their aligned positions, eliminating postural tension and having an extremely beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

About Justin Chu

Justin Chu, the founder of New York Muscle Release Therapy, received a Bachelor of Science degree from Tufts University and a Massage Therapy degree from the New York College of Health Professionals, Associate of Occupational Studies Massage Therapy.  A Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of New York,  he also earned a Massage Therapy Diploma from the Dennis Gibbons School of Massage Therapy and Integrated Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.

Justin founded New York Muscle Release Therapy in order to make the technique available in New York for the first time.  He would like to help people from all walks of life — from professional dancers and athletes, who encounter pain as a byproduct of their careers, to people recovering from injuries, or to those who just need relief from the physical stress and imbalance in their daily lives.

Schedule an Appointment

Currently, appointments are being accepted during weekdays in Manhattan. Appointments are also available in Long Beach, and/or on Saturdays upon request, schedule permitting. The following session options are available:

Full session – $225 – A full 90-minute session of Muscle Release Therapy, which allows time to balance the entire body, as well as to spend additional time on more in-depth releases related to problem areas for a deeper and more lasting effect. Recommended for first treatments, as well as for monthly maintenance.

Light session – $150 – A light, one-hour session of MRTh. Recommended for follow-up appointments soon after a full treatment, or for those who prefer several shorter appointments vs individual longer sessions. Often thought of as a “tune up” for the body to help maintain balance from earlier treatments.

Extended session – $300 – An extended two-hour session of MRTh. The body is fully balanced, with extra time spent performing in-depth releases related to every area. Recommended for those recovering after a serious injury or surgery, as well as those with deep-seated postural issues.

Discounts are available for reservations of 5 or 10 session blocks or more. Sessions purchased in a block do not have to be scheduled all at once, and can be allocated to/split between several people.

To schedule an appointment, or if you have any questions, please contact Justin directly by email at or by phone at 516-888-6159